This week has been San Fermín week, the Spanish are mad for this, the whole festival is televised and commentated on and has a series of complicated customs and rituals associated with it. Let me tell you how some of it fits together…as far as I can work it out anyway!
…it began on Sunday with, from what I gather, was one massive roaring street party that takes over the whole of the city of Pamplona. The party does not however begin until midday when the town council set of a series of fireworks to signal the party to commence. This is strictly adhered to and the television network spent the whole morning covering the preparations for the fiesta, the way that people customarily eat certain things at certain times to maximise the partying. The party-goers themselves also have a sort of ‘uniform’, most dress completely in white with a red pañuelo or neckerchief or red fabric round their wrists. Once the party kicks off officially, people start throwing around the preferred beverage CALIMOTXO, or coke and red wine – not just any red wine, really cheap red wine, always in a carton. The red wine covers everyone so all the white turns pink and everyone looks a bit sticky. But then everyone also looks to be having a bloody great time!
The party itself looks rather terrifying to me, just a mass of people gathered in (a lovely looking) main square. When I say mass, I mean mass, the square is crammed with people wall to wall. People also throw themselves from ornate lamp-posts to crowd surf off into the distance, and I am talking throwing themselves from at least two metres; thank goodness there are some many people packed in that no-one can move out of the way. I think it is the press of people that disturbs me most, I am not really one for crowds anyway but I think the infamous ‘British reserve’ kicks in even more and I start wondering where my ‘personal space’ has got to. And I’m only watching on tele!
The party is the start of San Fermín, at some point a figure of San Fermín is paraded around Pamplona, formally, properly and with a lot of religious respect. San Fermín is the patron saint of Navarra and if the Spanish are anything they are seriously proud of their regional heritage and guard it ferociously.
The festival continues, only now it is not a party, now San Fermín is all about the bulls. Yes, the famous running with the bulls in Pamplona (el encierro), this is w

Can you imagine that in the UK? (Isle of Man TT races aside) Everyone in the street, drinking, having fun, old and young, all together at a party? Then the next day people haring round the streets being chased by bulls, with large pointy horns, bulls that weigh a good 500 kilos? No, neither can I. Health & Safety anyone? *yawn*
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